
Dragon League Chess Competition Final

On Sunday the 3rd of March at the chess competition, we came home with two gold medals and a bronze. We won two glass trophies and a MASSIVE big cup for winning the 5th League Gold. Well done to Woodhill C team! I think the best part was that the A team never lost a match, but there were many other good players from Holy Family, St Helens and many more. It was held in Milngavie Town Hall. The hall was great, so big! We went outside to play. We played tig and had fun. A great way to spend your Sunday, amazing! Anyway if you are ever offered a chance to go to a competition I would recommend it.

By Andrew


I Swam for Cancer Research

On the17th of April I raised £105 for cancer cure and swam 10 lengths . My two aunties swam 62 lengths, my mum swam 56 and my friend swam 10 lengths .


Our Easter Assembly - Primary 6

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For our Easter Service our teachers came up with a brilliant idea.
They decided to make a short film about the Easter story. Even though it was a lot of hard work, it was definitely worth it!
It was a big success with teachers, parents and pupils. The teachers and pupils put in a huge effort and in the end the hard effort really paid off. Everyone really enjoyed the service. It was so good, parents even came to the teachers to ask if they could get a copy of the film. Everyone wanted to see the film again and again! We hope you also enjoy our short film.


Our Award Winning "Woodhill Made IT Happen" Powerpoint Presentation

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Nous avons rencontré un tel succes avec nos cours de français et nos échanges internationaux que nous avons été choisi par Learning and Teaching Scotland pour démarrer le pilotage du projet Passeport Santé et Citoyenneté. Aussi comme le niveau d’ICT dans notre école est extremement élevé, nous avons pris la décision d’utiliser les blogs et podcasts comme une platforme d’échange avec la France. Même si Passeport Santé n’est réellement éffectif que depuis 2007, nous avons commencé à faire des blogs et podcasts depuis 2005 pendant les cours de français avec les enfants agés de 9 et 10 ans. Pendant cette période nous avons recherché differents moyens pour illustrer le travail des enfants sur les blogs, c’est à dire à travers des films , des diaporamas et des bandes dessinées. Nous avons récemment reçu deux prix, récomponsant nos efforts dans l’établissement des rélations internationales avec notre école. Tout d’abord en juin, le Scottish Education International Award et en octobre, le prix “Woodhill Made IT Happen”. Pour ceci nous sommes allés avec deux enfants du projet Passeport Santé au Parlement de Westminster à Londres. C’était une journée extraordinaire!
We hope you enjoy our award winning powerpoint presentation.


Our Chinese Dancers

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Woodhill Primary were once again invited to St George's School in Edinburgh to participate in their day of celebrating links with China.
Seven children were invited to learn and present a Chinese Ribbon Dance, taught by a Chinese dance teacher called Annie Au.
The children learned the dance over five sessions and then presented it to the guests visiting the school in Edinburgh.
Our pupils enjoyed participating in this event and meeting children from other schools.