
Raising Money for Childline

We ran the Forth & Clyde Canal on the 3rd of February 2007 to raise money for the charity Childline. We ran from Kirkintilloch to the Leisuredrome in Bishopbriggs. We raised £147 and it was fantastic that we raised this amount of money.

by Harry and Jordan

Show Racism the Red Card Art Competition

Woodhill took place in the 'Show Racism The Red Card' competition. These are the winning art entries from our school which went forward to the national competition.

Well done Jennifer, P7 and Martha, P4.

Here are some of the runners up.

Park Safely Please

Primary 5 took part in a competition to encourage people to park safely in our school.
Look at our designs.


Stamp out Racism by Sarah Harper

Racism is not big,
Racism is not cool,
Racism is a bad thing.
Over the World it just keeps happening.
Stamp it out.
Say NO to racism.

Racism does not rock,
Racism does not rule.
Cross it off your list.
In with kindness, out with racism.
Stamp all over racism,
Make it run away.

Listen to my poem.